Go to Bed the Right Way: 9 Night-Time Rituals to Inspire Better Sleep

How you end your day determines how you start your next. How we spend our last few waking hours impacts our quality of sleep, energy and happiness. Following a night-time ritual eases your body into slumber while putting you in better stead for tomorrow. Use this checklist to get some sound shut-eye and wake up … Continue Reading

The ABC Guide To Wellness

The A to Z guide to living well, eating right, thinking clearly and feeling all kinds of wonderful. A is for Active Mindfulness: Find your inner calm by performing your daily activities with a sense of intent and introspection: pay attention to your body, your posture and breath, recognize your emotions, be aware of your … Continue Reading

Art Collecting 101: The Five Commandments

In the world of art collecting, millennials are shaking up the system. They are now the fastest growing demographic, rewriting the rules on the way. Often perceived as a notoriously expensive venture, buying art is transitioning into a more social and democratic practice. As galleries in the country start catering to the new crop of … Continue Reading

6 Motivational Books You Must Read In 2019

As the new year begins and warm, fuzzy feelings of newness envelope us, we aspire to turn into our shiniest, sparkliest selves. Here, we’ve put together a list of books that offer new perspectives and life advice on different themes to truly light up your 2019. On Purpose Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long … Continue Reading

Things I’ve Learnt in 2018

As I journey through my initial years of adulthood, 2018 has brought lots of learning – from the mundane everyday stuff, to larger life goals. I believe that I’ve learnt many things that have made life more fulfilling and peaceful. I hope this list gives you guys a chance to reflect on the year you’ve … Continue Reading

5 New Ways to Enhance Your New Year

As the new year approaches, we look for ways to improve ourselves and our lives. How do we improve ourselves? How do we live more fulfilling? Here, we believe the biggest changes start with your inner self. Welcome to your new year and your new you. 1. Mind: Getting Centered Step into the new year … Continue Reading